Capital Controls


Capital Controls are coming to America!

What are Capital controls? 

Several days ago I ran into the words “capital controls”.  These words were included in the below article and explained in the paragraph which I have underlined.  I am posting this entire article for your reading.  You may want to research this matter further as it may have a major impact of your and my future.  In my prior post I discussed how this may relate to Revelation 13:17,18 where we are forbidden to buy or sell unless we have “the mark of the beast or the number of his name.”  No financial transactions will be allowed without the “mark of the beast”.   This article will be moved to the Economic and Finance section of our website after a few days.

Rev. Thomas L. Clark – Phil. 3:14


Fed Employees Rollout A Bold Idea To Trap The Entire Country’s Wealth

3.24.2014    BY KELLY BROWN

Free market economists are not going to be happy about this…

A major financial news source just published shocking details about a research report by two employees at the Federal Reserve Bank. The 36-page report applauds the use of “capital controls” in global markets.

If you’re unfamiliar with the term “capital controls,” it’s probably because we tend to avoid them in the United States in favor of a free market economy.

Capital controls are simply laws that regulate and restrict what you are allowed to do with your money by regulating the flow of cash in and out of a national economy. The laws define such things as where you can invest your cash and how you can allocate your assets.

If you take a look around the globe, you’ll see several recent examples—almost always from countries experiencing a currency crisis:

•In Cyprus…some citizens cannot withdraw or write checks for more than €300 per day from their own accounts. These controls were put in place after the Greek debt crisis of 2012 and are set to continue until year-end.

•In Iceland…capital controls imposed in 2008 have blockaded offshore investors from selling $7.2 billion in assets.

•In Argentina…citizens must pay an extra tax on vacations abroad.

•In the Ukraine…recent tensions sparked a series of capital controls. Ukrainians must wait six working days before making any type of foreign currency purchases. In addition, they cannot exchange more than the equivalent of $5,800 USD within a given time period.

You might be wondering… how are these draconian laws “a useful tool for managing financial stability” as the recent Fed paper says?

Well, the Fed research claims that capital controls would protect the U.S. dollar from the effects of rapid cash movements…

Of course, the only countries that are worried about capital controls are those deeply worried about a currency crisis.

According to Steve Hanke, a professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, “Capital controls signal that a country is very worried about preserving its foreign exchange….That means bad things are in the wind.”

SEE ALSO: Is your state as broke as these places?

For more than 50 years, Americans have never really thought twice about the value of our currency.

But times are rapidly changing. For example, the U.S. government has plans to strong-arm some of the largest financial institutions in the world by imposing a 30% withholding tax on all transactions concerning U.S. securities.

Most Americans don’t realize that the greatest weapon in our nation’s arsenal is not our military might or our education system, but the simple fact that the U.S. dollar is the world’s “reserve currency.” As such, our money forms the basis of the global financial system. And banks around the world hold our dollars in reserve against their loans.

That’s why, for the past few decades, we have been able to print and borrow trillions of dollars, with no real negative impact.

We are the only country in the world that does not have to pay for imports in a foreign currency. We can rack up enormous debts and then print more money.

But this exorbitant privilege could soon expire, because many of the most powerful countries around the world (including China and Russia) are looking for a new world reserve currency.

And when the U.S. dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency… when we can no longer print money and borrow absurd sums without consequence– we are in trouble.

One financial guru, Porter Stansberry, believes this currency collapse in America is actually going to happen much sooner than most people think. He says that’s how currency collapses happen… gradually… slowly… then all of a sudden. And Mr. Stansberry has an uncanny track record of predicting some of the biggest moves in the economy over the past decade. In 2006 he announced GM would go bankrupt and in 2007 he predicted Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would also soon go bankrupt. Both of his predictions came to fruition.

WATCH: Learn more from Porter Stansberry, here.

Now Stansberry says the next big collapse could be America’s currency. And even though most Americans think this could never happen… not here…Stansberry believes new laws set to go in place on July 1st 2014 will dramatically accelerate this process. What is this law that was secretly passed by the Obama Administration… and how will it affect you, your money, and the U.S. dollar?

Stansberry and his Baltimore-based research team have put together a free slide presentation that explains everything you need to know. Get the facts and protect yourself here.

SEE ALSO: The catastrophic events planned for July 1, 2014

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2014 © Early To Rise Publishing, LLC

What is HR 2847?


Video HR 2847

How should the Christian assess this new Law?   How does this relate to Revelation 13:17-18?  There has to be a world wide economic collapse before all finances can be controlled.   Some people call HR 2847 a bill that will create “Capital Control”.  That is, it will control all monetary issues.  All of the world has the United States currency as it’s Reserve currency.   If that changes that will create instant poverty for many Americans.  This change of the United States currency as the reserve currency will have major world-wide consequences.

I have downloaded a copy of HR 2847 but have not read it all.   I have not seen all the provisions of this law.   Therefore,  I am not recommending that you be overly concerned about this law until I or someone else shows in the law the dangerous provisions.  If someone viewing this website has additional information regarding this matter please email it to me.

15  And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:15-18 (KJV)

I believe that 666 is related to the Western European Union Recommendation 666 which was posted on  the WEU website in June 5, 2000.   Also, this is all related to the Barcelona Declaration which was signed by 27 nations on November 27-28, 1995.  Israel was the first to sign this agreement.

The E.U. was recently United under the Treaty of Lisbon and now is the United States of Europe.   According to biblical prophecy the Anti-Christ will be from the Roman Empire.

USD COLLAPSE – Where Not To Be When The U.S. DOLLAR

Peter Schiff – Market Crash 2014 | London Real

US Economy 2014 Collapse – *Peter Schiff* – FED will cause H

The United States does not appear anywhere in the Bible regarding End-Time prophecy.   That could mean one of two things.   First it may mean that the United States has lost all significance and recognition.   Or the United States has become a extension of the E.U. and Europe.    I believe that the last will probably be true.  Our country has always had strong ties with Europe.

Rev. Thomas L. Clark